Urinary bladder carcinoma
A case of unequivocal high grade cytology showing single urothelial cells showing spindle features, hyperchromatic nuclei with variably sized. (Papanicolaou x200)

Urinary bladder carcinoma
A case of high grade papillary carcinoma showing clusters of urothelial cells showing hyperchromatic nuclei with variably sized. (Papanicolaou x200)
Urinary bladder carcinoma
Clusters and prevalently single urothelial cells showing hyperchromatic nuclei with variably sized and mitoses compatible with carcinoma. (Papanicolaou x200)
Bladder papilloma
Urothelial cells in single and pseudo papillary clusters suggestive of high grade bladder papilloma. (Papanicolaou, x200)
Urinary bladder carcinoma
Keratinizing neoplastic squamous cells observed in the urine suggestive of squamous cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder(Papanicolaou, x200)
Bladder papilloma
Urothelial cells in pseudo papillary clusters suggestive of bladder papilloma. (Papanicolaou, x200)
Papillary carcinoma
Papillary clusters and single urothelial cells showing hyperchromatic nuclei with variably sized compatible with moderately differentiated papillary carcinoma. (Papanicolaou, x400)
Urothelial carcinoma
Single and clusters of urothelial cells showing enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei suggestive of urothelial carcinoma. (Papanicolaou, x400)
Candida infection
Candida infection of the bladder showing fungal spores and iphae. (Papanicolaou, x400)
Bladder papillary carcinoma
Papillary clusters of urothelial cells showing hiperchromatic and irregular nuclei compatible with low grade papillary carcinoma of the bladder. (Papanicolaou, x200)
Urothelial carcinoma
Clusters of urothelial cells showing high nucleocytoplasmatic ratio, pleomorphic cells with irregular nuclei suggestive of urothelial carcinoma. (Papanicolaou, x200)